Brisbane Nutritionist
What we eat and drink, normally travels the length of our gastro-intestinal tract. It provides us with all the key elements to sustain us, from carbohydrates, fats, & proteins, to vitamins and minerals, and other elements.
What we eat also has a key interaction with the millions of normal ‘healthy’ bacteria that reside in our digestive tract, and it also plays a role in almost all disorders that affect our gastro-intestinal tract. It is what sustains us, and at times, what ails us.
Science has an ever increasing understanding of these interactions, and thus, in managing both good gastro-intestinal health and disease, a close analysis and understanding of your nutrition is vital.
Working closely with dietitians and other specialists, Dr Nanda has particular expertise and fellowship training in nutrition management, and how it can improve your general and GI health. Call today to arrange an appointment.